CBMC Chattanooga Leadership Coach Training

"I want to tell you how much the Leadership Coaching course has meant to me. I have felt the need to improve my communication skills for some time and, in fact, I was planning on doing something about it when you mentioned this course to me. I am very glad I took it. I learned so much and it is making a difference in my life. The tools I learned are lifetime skills that I hope to continue to hone for many years. Thank you."

Wayne McDaniel, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, CAP®

Discover how CBMC Leadership Coach Training is changing the way leaders are being developed and the way people are communicating. Learn how the art and science of listening well and asking powerful questions are at the heart of conversations that can lead to individual and corporate transformation. It's true with your family, friends, business and personal ministry.

This 8-week course is a comprehensive, yet accelerated leadership development program that highlights the skills and practices of classic coaching from a Christian perspective. You are going to see Jesus revealed in some extraordinary ways and will experience for yourself the transformational power of faith-based leadership using coaching principles.

Christ has always been about coaching and through your faithfulness, you will immerse yourself into a God-sized adventure that will impact every relationship in your life both personally and professionally.

Our training course is based on Tony Stoltzfus’ book, Leadership Coaching: The Disciplines, Skills, and Heart of a Christian Coach. A workshop launches our eight-week study course.

For years, CBMC has had a biblical view of leadership. Many of us are leaders. Many of us call others to take up leadership in their areas of influence. But it’s one thing to lead and another to develop new leaders. With Christian Coaching skills, we can develop a new wave of businessmen to represent Jesus Christ in businesses and cities, wherever the Lord takes them.

Leadership Coach Training is the intentional development of businessmen to be:

  • empowered by Christ
  • reflect authentic Biblical leadership
  • model connectivity
  • serve within networks
  • and function as a part of a flexible, Spirit-led leadership team.

What You Can Expect

Kick-Off Full Day Workshop. Professionally facilitated with breakout discussion facilitated by a certified coach trainer. We discuss:

  • The Art of Leadership Coaching
    • What is Coaching – What it isn’t
    • Coaching Values – Living them out 
  • The Practice of Leadership Coaching
    • Intuitive Listening
    • Powerful Questions
    • Goal Setting and action steps
    • Sustainable Change
    • Establishing a coaching culture

Reading and Reflection Exercises - A specific agenda and format to walk you through concepts and exercises that reinforce the primary principles and skills of Christian Leadership Coaching – 8 weeks

Peer-to-Peer Coaching Practice - You will have the opportunity to practice the coaching principles in a comfortable, non-threatening environment with a peer in the program. You will also listen in on coaching conversations and experience coaching conducted by a certified Christian Leadership Coach.

What is the commitment:

  • 8 hours Workshop
  • 8 hours (over 8 weeks) of tele-classes
  • 8 hours peer coaching (over 8 weeks with days/times worked out by teams of two between sessions)
  • 4 hours observation coaching
  • Total class hours: 28 hours plus 15 hours for reading and prep for class.
  • Cost $125

Where is classroom:  

CBMC Chattanooga Ministry Center, Franklin Building, Suite 310, 5726 Marlin Road, Chattanooga, TN 37411

8 weekly tele-classes (1 hr ­ with noon meeting time).  Options for classes/tele-classes:

  • Meet with others in person - best choice
  • Join the meeting to participate by webinar
  • Listen to recording before the next class


Contact us at 423-629-6325 for the next group forming.